Transformative Skills Are Transferable Skills; Mauricio Mejia
As an entrepreneur, author, speaker, and philanthropist, Mauricio Mejia has carved a unique path from challenging beginnings to becoming a driving force of positive change in Silicon Valley. His new book, Address. Assess. Move On: The Architecture of Highrise Thinking, offers readers a framework for resilience, adaptability, and success — a timely message in today’s ever-evolving landscape.
US Lifestyle Magazine speaks to Mauricio Mejia. Here is what he told us.
US LIFESTYLE: Can you share your business journey?
Mauricio Mejia: I am often introduced and known as the godfather of San Jose nightlife, a journey starting at age 15 when I saw two guys in my neighborhood standing by a red Lamborghini and I struck a conversation with them. How could I not? That car was an uncommon site on my street! They introduced me into the club scene, and I became a promoter – a great one.
It didn’t take long before I was raking in the money and buying my own nightclub. I drove a Ferrari at about age 18 – but don’t get too excited, later in life some significant curve balls downgraded me to a Ford Focus. Ferrari to Focus…there is a bit of irony to that.
I learned a lot about business and people from that starting point and am very pleased now that I have acquired the acclaim of being an international businessman residing in the heart of Silicon Valley, home of the largest global enterprises in our world. I resonate much more with the latter than the former at this stage in my life and career.
Here is the bare bones backstory. I’ll throw in a few dates and years, but I’m making it quick here. Timeline and Milestones are:
Born – 06/11/1976 (Gemini – The Year of the Dragon)
Education: School, Women and Night Life (not necessarily in that order)
Family/Childhood – Born in San Francisco, raised in Los Angeles and educated in Silicon Valley – all global and renown destinations and important in our global community. I had the best of all worlds as far as geography goes, but the going for me at home and school was rough.
Let me give the rest of the progression to you rapid fire:
1996 -2008 – I knew nothing but success. So unfolds my journey from the pulsating energy of Los Angeles nightlife at age 15 to the zenith of Silicon Valley, where at the age of 25, I became a millionaire and a business owner.
BUT – I refuse to be called a rags-to-riches saga. Instead – I AM a testament to resilience, but we’re just getting started.
In 2008 – I lost it all. This was my first adult interruption. I quit college in my 4th year because I was already living large. Why did I need college, right? Well, because I didn’t have that piece of paper called a diploma. Without it I couldn’t get a job. I didn’t have a backup plan.
Over the next decade: I began rebuilding, diversifying, growing and learning as much as I could about business and a little bit more about myself. I founded multiple companies, diversified, and continued as a promoter in entertainment, and with music festivals. My company Latin Live was set to be a billion dollar unicorn. We had concerts booked across the country and were tracking to more.
My first book, Smoke & Mirrors was completed in 2018. Writing it was like therapy. My second book Decide. Commit. Execute. was completed in 2019. My plan for 2020 was clear. Launch! Launch my business. Launch my brand. Launch my books. Launch the platform. Everything pointed to me being on path to the B-Club – the Billionaire’s Club.
Then 2019 came – I had a business break up July 12, 2019, and only months later - Slam! covid hit! Double whammy! On March 13, 2020, they announced the shutdown coming. We were given a weekend to prepare and on March 16 – Santa Clara County where I live was the first to shut down.
Concerts were cancelled. My billion-dollar unicorn dreams were dashed.
I was isolated. My lack of a business back up plan was echoed by my lack of a ‘now what the hell do I do’ plan. I was sad.
As an ode to the month of March and Julius Caesar, I call this my Ides of Mauricio. In my case, life betrayed me. Once. Twice.
Don’t feel down. Because here I am.
NOW Life – Present – I am present to pursue my biggest dream and goal: the B-Club. It is not because of the zero’s in billionaire, but because I can make a bigger impact with jobs providing for families, in communities and in the world.
There ya go! That’s a little bit of me in a nutshell.
Photo: Mauricio Mejia
US LIFESTYLE: What were the transformative skills you brought into business from your gang-life/night-life?
Mauricio Mejia: Let’s be clear. I was never in a gang. There is a difference between gang life and night life. The good news is I could always process things. I was never lured into what could have been a dark side.
I was independent as a kid, but I was growing in my emotional and social intelligence. We just didn’t have those fancy words for feelings or abilities. My wits were probably called street smarts.
Transformative skills are also transferable skills – to any industry or relationship. To use another ‘t’ word, they traverse geography and are applicable from the bar to the boardroom. (You may be surprised where and how many business discussions and deals begin – or end.)
The skills I learned, and continue to learn are most certainly effective communication and how to apply it situationally; relationship building and how to go deep fast, and the value of maintaining most long-term; and, you have to have the technical skills to back up what you say you can do – and then do it. Become a master of those and a continuous learner because there is always something or someone new that will come up and you need to be as prepared or nimble as you can be.
US LIFESTYLE: What was the most significant thing you had to leave behind to move past your night-life?
Mauricio Mejia: To move forward from my days of night life and club ownership, I don’t really associate with leaving something behind. I was always moving toward – toward new opportunities and people or even toward the sense of self that is cultivated ongoing. My aim was to be a businessman who happened to have generated a breadth of knowledge in the human condition that parlayed itself into positive relationships and an eye for opportunity.
Things did change in the environment I spent my time in and regarding the people who I now interact with. The routine of my day has changed too. I am a believer in routine, and I know what works for me. The late nights are replaced with early mornings of reading, reflection and the gym, and the daytime hours with meetings or Zoom calls with leaders in different time zones.
I enjoy life a little differently too, whether it is a night in my condo watching Gladiator (possibly my favorite movie) with a glass of wine or water or a nice dinner out with friends. Rather than some thumping beats, I might play a little classical music on my surround sound and read a book. Might sound a bit boring, but if you are up to what I am up to, being refreshed for the next day is a necessity.
US LIFESTYLE: What do you want people to learn from your book ‘Address.Asses.MoveOn.’ ?
Mauricio Mejia: As I say in the dedication of the book, “We must address what took place to create what is taking place. We must be the architects of what is to come.”
Assess. Address. Move On. is a book providing how to get a grip on your past, present and your future and capitalize on the tools of critical thinking, resilience and perseverance. I pull from my own arsenal crafted from experience and the curated wisdom of others to provide readers with perspective and power. In it we cover:
· If ‘it’ happened, how do you make it work for you?
· If you are currently facing ‘it’, what do you do right now?
· If you want ‘it’, what does it take to go after it?
An underlying thread of all of my work is really about leading your life with perspective and resilience. If I, and my words and deeds, can be a testimony of that and help others, I’ve achieved my mark.
US LIFESTYLE: What did you learn about yourself while writing the book?
Mauricio Mejia: Before Assess. Address. Move On., I wrote a book titled, Decide. Commit. Execute. With both books, I realized that those 3 words in each title are not ‘you have to do it once’ situations.
In business and in life, you must apply the skills (and mindset) every day, sometimes multiple times throughout the day. It takes energy and drive. It also takes the realization that big aspirations require knowing when you need to catch your breath, surround yourself with positive people and input in order to re-energize, and how to step out and step up to keep the momentum.
Also, it is mandatory to celebrate the small wins along the way. They give you steam. When the setbacks happen, use them as rocket fuel. Focus and discipline are key to my ability to enjoy and reap the rewards of riches and relationships.
Photo: Mauricio Mejia
US LIFESTYLE: Can you share with us about your family and who else played a role in your transformation?
Mauricio Mejia: I have a lot of faith. My Creator plays a huge role. I begin each morning with a reading from the book, Jesus Calling, and add in a flavor of business perspective with Robert Greene’s, The 48 Laws of Power for example. I invest time in reflecting and gratitude, learning something new each day, and taking time to just think. Personal and spiritual growth are part of my transformation as much as the many human mentors along the way too. I am fortunate to have many people perpetually in my corner.
I’ll borrow a phrase from my friend, Stedman Graham (Oprah’s partner), and that is, “My parents did the best they could with what they knew.” My father wasn’t in our household (we reunited in my late teens), and my mom was busy working to keep us fed and clothed. I appreciate each for their tenacity which seems to transcend to me.
US LIFESTYLE: What challenges were you met with in order to maintain your new life?
Mauricio Mejia: Sometimes it is true people will want to take you down when they see you succeed or leave you behind when it appears you may have nothing more to offer. A common phrase in the Latin culture is “crabs in a bucket’. The crabs climb up on the backs of each other to get out of the pail, but they don’t reach a hand down to get another one out – or the last one. No matter your culture, we are better together. We must support and uplift. Rising tides, you know? There will be no crabs left in my bucket.
I’ve never seen my heritage as a detriment, but as an asset. English is my second language, but I’m fluent and if anyone knows me, they know I am an animated communicator! I’m high energy. Being bi-lingual is an asset and allows me to reach more people than I otherwise could.
I think if I have to identify a real challenge it is to stay in the right headspace. I admit that I at times have to work at eliminating doubt or fear. When you have lost it all – twice – and recaptured it, those thoughts need to be nipped in the bud. They serve no purpose except to have you check yourself – and then maybe course correct some, and move back to a state of positive flow.
As a person who likes to be involved with many deals and people, I do like bright shiny objects that come in the form of exciting opportunities and sometimes a foray into the unknown. Discerning whether it is the right move – and staying the course on the ‘moves’ already underway – well, it can be a balancing act. Discernment is king in this arena.
I’m an optimist and believe about anything is possible. The challenge is knowing when to press the gas or pump the brakes.
US LIFESTYLE: What spiritual tools have you used?
Mauricio Mejia: I mentioned the book, Jesus Calling, earlier. Reading from it is a daily staple. My Bible is an open book in my home, and it is read. I pray. I fill my mind and heart with positive podcasts on life or business with hosts who come from a place of belief and faith.
I also know nature is spiritual. Being outdoors for a walk or riding my motorcycle to view the ocean are frequent occurrences for me. Working out at my gym helps too. And I enter into a lot of deep discussions with people with more wisdom than me.
As for truly feeding my spirit and my soul, I have a young niece who is a shiny star and all I have to do is spend a few minutes with her, my sister and mom and I take a deep breath and know I have it within me to continue and thrive, and a reason to pay it forward.
US LIFESTYLE: How do you see your experience benefit the lives of others?
Mauricio Mejia: There is a lot written and spoken about regarding ‘if he or she can, I can too’. I suppose I am an example of that. There is a lot in my backstory that could have stopped me, but I made a very conscious choice to have it ignite me. The bad stuff was seen as the fuel to ignite good. It could have gone the other way if I chose to see myself as less than the possibility that I am.
I write and speak about resilience, overcoming obstacles, and knowing how to inflict your personal power on yourself. I receive guidance and welcome it. There is always more to learn and experience. Be open and it flows to you.
The primary reason I do all I do is with the end goal of impacting the lives of others. If by providing a job I’m putting food on tables and clothes on backs, I hope one day to hear from God, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”
I have no desires on being a hero, though I would like to be a role model for others who aspire to greater heights in their personal, professional, mental and physical abilities.
US LIFESTYLE: What are your future plans and how do you see yourself being of service to others?
Mauricio Mejia: I make it no secret that I will be in the B-Club, The Billionaires Club. If that sounds arrogant so be it, because I come at it from the standpoint of the more I have the more I can do and give. Included in that mindset is how many people I can bring with me to new levels of doing and being in the world. Riches are not simply monetary to me. They include setting the tables of others. Job and educational opportunities will rise. Connections to opportunities will rise. Communities of people will rise. Communication among us will rise such that we see potential and possibility, and have the means – intellectually or financially – to aspire to receive and achieve.
US LIFESTYLE: Where can people find your book?
Mauricio Mejia: I have three books currently and all are available on Amazon. They are: 1) Smoke & Mirrors, 2) Decide. Commit. Execute. And 3) Assess. Address. Move On. Search Mauricio Mejia on Amazon and you will find them.
Photo provided by Mauricio Mejia
US LIFESTYLE: Is there anything specific you want to share with our readers?
Mauricio Mejia: Yes! Expect book four out in early 2025. I call it Triple R: Reflect. Reason. Recalibrate. – though note that those R’s may change in the writing process and as life evolves, and there just may be a bonus chapter in there on Resilience since I am a testimony to that! Also, keep an eye out for the reveal of my BIG book…more on that as it progresses.
As an international businessman who resides in the heart of Silicon Valley, set your expectations high of me for bringing local and global change, new business, opportunities, people and a celebration of all of our wins. It’s going to be some year, many years, which will perpetuate into our present and futures to behold. I’m committed to that and as I often sign off, “Let’s Go!”